About me...
Bailey Elizabeth
I Started my journey Following Christ in early 2020. I never though I would be a christian in a million years before that. I was into Witch and Halloween like things, even briefly looked into new age. I always believed in a higher "power" but never thought too much beyond that point because my experience with Christianity was not the best. I felt uncomfortable around Christians, people praying for me, church and I even was someone who just thought the bible was written by men. Typical unbelieving person point of views. I was constantly struggling with finding myself, always wanting to be something or someone else, trying to always lose weight, be accepted and be "happy" but I always fell short. The Irony of all this is at the beginning in 2020 when I found Jesus, I was actually pretty content. I had been working out and felt great, i had started a new job that I really liked and finances were good. When quarantine first hit in march I knew from the beginning something was wrong and shortly after I felt God call me to him. For the first time I felt curious to pick up and read the bible and look into what it was all about, and the rest is history. So much makes sense now, I no longer try to lose weight and fall on my physical appearance. After growing to know Christ I realized he was there the whole time waiting for me to realize it. He has filled me with a fire to grow and help others find him and in return he has strengthened me and blessed me with all of you wonderful people who follow my videos and website. God is so Good!
Prayer warrior of the Month!
Christina B.
Meet Christina! She is my best Friend and the only Christian light I had/have in my personal life (other than her husband as well). Her and I go ways back and our friendship is a stronger bond than any I can imagine having. We are like sister, we can disagree but we are always loving and respectful. She was always trying to guide me to Christ and I always pushed it away. But I am so thankful now to have her plant that seed so that years later I could be here and Be saved Before it was too late!
Christina is a beautiful mom and step mom of 4 kids! She is so kind and loving to all and she truly puts her faith in Jesus. She is a huge advocate for Pro-life and consistent in her church. Her and Her husband are supportive and wonderful Friends. I truly love them!