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Sunrise over the Wheat Field

Help Support My Cause

3 Ways To Show Support! 


Hand made Jewelry or Merch.

Support Us by Purchasing Merch items or Hand made Baptism/ Christian jewelry made by Bailey. Customizable items available as well!


I Do this to help bring people closer to Christ. I do this in my spare time in-between working a Full time job. The research and post do take a lot of dedicated time, so Donations are always Greatly appreciated, but not required. I also make jewelry so Check out my Jewelry page on the website!


To Our website and social medias

Money donations are never expected! We would love support any way, if you are able to follow and Share our website and social media/posts we would be eternally grateful!


“Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down,
and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom”

(Luke 6:38)

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