By 2030, the UN plans for each person to have a biometric identification, which will be approved worldwide. The information of every human being will be stored in a universal database, located in Geneva, Switzerland.
The United Nations has implemented this project among refugees who have arrived in Europe. The system collects the face, the iris and the biometric data from the fingerprints, settling in the only official documentation for refugees.
The information will be sent to a central database in Geneva, allowing in practice its follow-up.
According to the Find Biometrics report, the authorities hope that this technology will enable them to achieve the goal of having this kind of identification for men, women and children on the planet, within reach of their hands in 2030.
This development initiative was originally launched by the World Bank, which works with the UN and other institutions to achieve “legal identity” in the hands of all. The goal is to ensure a legal and unique identity by enabling digital ID-based services for everyone.
“What would happen if someone refused this new system of” legal identification “, would undoubtedly disqualify him from taking a job, obtaining a new bank account, requesting a credit card, obtaining a mortgage, receiving any form of government payment, etc. Anyone who refused to take a “universal ID” would become a despised society, “said Michael Snyder.
“What the elite wants is to make sure that everyone is” in the system “that they control and manipulate for their own ends, which is one of the reasons why you are discouraging the use of money all over the world,” concluded Snyde.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an internet-interconnected ecosystem of hardware, devices and appliances that form an intelligent system – that is in turn connected to other intelligent systems that autonomously exchange data, software and information. For the idealist transhumanist and the hopeful futurist, the Internet-of-Things merely represents a form of ‘integration of man and technology’ coming to fruition. But for the DIY-cybernetics biohacker/grinder, IoT has instantly made this integration a practical reality because all that you really need as a person to be at least superficially connected to IoT is what all devices on IoT have; an embedded sensor. And RFID and NFC transponders are, for now, the most readily available and practical tools for this, which can be hacked for an IoT quasi-integration – and not just because Kevin Ashton the person who coined the term “internet of things” saw RFID technology as a form of proto-IoT, but because they have been implanted, tried and tested by biohackers on the same systems and devices that are now integrated into the Internet-of-Things. And going beyond the superficial connection to IoT that RFID and NFC chips can be hacked to offer, some biohackers are pushing past just being ‘human transponders’ by immersing their entire psyche into IoT by turning it into a lifestyle through ‘Life Logging‘ or as this new community of biohackers has come to be known, the Quantified-Self movement. The raw data being gathered through life logging is basically human biology translating itself into machine language; and with improvements in cybernetics, machine learning and the approaching feasibility of neural links, this Quantified-Self aspect of IoT could speed up the true integration of man and technology. Finally, the popularity of cryptocurrency has presented another opportunity that makes IoT more tangible and almost omnipotent, by giving it an economy. The IOTA cryptocurrency that was specifically designed for IoT looks promising in this regard. And so these three components of IoT: RFID/NFC implants, Quantified-Self and IOTA are within grasp, and you can use them on your biohacking journey to merge with the Internet-of-Things. So start your IoT-integration journey through biohacking, below:
Brain-Computer Interface is hardware, or software, or wetware – that makes a direct communication pathway between the brain and a computer system – thereby enabling a feedback loop between the two. Brain-Computer Interface is not only a revolution in communication that will change the way humans interact with machines, but also how humans communicate with each other – as BCI is making Synthetic Telepathy possible through Brain-to-Brain Interface. Other possibilities that BCI opens up like memory augmentation, intelligence enhancement, mind uploading and integrating humans to IoT – are just the tip of the iceberg. And for biohackers, BCI means becoming an actual, real cyborg – in the truest definition of the term.
Implanted BCI
With Facebook, DARPA, Kernel and Elon Musk’s Neuralink all working on BCI implant prototypes, Brain-Computer Interface is leaning towards materializing as an implant. The fact that it’s tech giants and government agencies like DARPA working on BCI – and invasive implantation is the likely mode of implementation, BCI development seems lofty, far too ambitious and even impossible to attempt independently. But cheap consumer-based technologies and devices that make it possible for one to work on BCI even at home, are becoming popular. All of which are non-invasive and completely safe to self-experiment with.
Cognitive implants
Some cortical implants have been designed to improve cognitive function. These implants are placed in the prefrontal cortex or the hippocampus. Implants in the prefrontal cortex help restore attention, decision-making and movement selection by duplicating the minicolumnar organization of neural firings.[6] A hippocampal prosthetic aims to help with restoration of a patient's full long-term memory capabilities. Researchers are trying to determine the neural basis for memory by finding out how the brain encodes different memories in the hippocampus.
A patient thinks about moving a mouse pointer. The brain-computer interface takes that thought and translates it on the screen
By mimicking the natural coding of the brain with electrical stimulation, researchers look to replace compromised hippocampal regions and restore function.[7] Treatment for several conditions that impact cognition such as stroke, Alzheimer's disease and head trauma can benefit from the development of a hippocampal prosthetic. Epilepsy has also been linked to dysfunction in the CA3 region of the hippocampus.[8]
Brain-computer interfaces
Main article: Brain–computer interface
A Brain-computer interface (BCI) is a type of implant that allows for a direct connection between a patient's brain and some form of external hardware. Since the mid-1990s, the amount of research done on BCI's in both animal and human models has grown exponentially. Most brain-computer interfaces are used for some form of neural signal extraction, while some attempt to return sensation through an implanted signal.[3] As an example of signal extraction, a BCI may take a signal from a paraplegic patient's brain and use it to move a robotic prosthetic. Paralyzed patients get a great amount of utility from these devices because they allow for a return of control to the patient. Current research for brain-computer interfaces is focused on determining which regions of the brain can be manipulated by an individual. A majority of research focuses on the sensorimotor region of the brain, using imagined motor actions to drive the devices, while some studies have sought to determine if the cognitive control network would be a suitable location for implantations. This region is a "neuronal network that coordinates mental processes in the service of explicit intentions or tasks," driving the device by intent, rather than imagined motion [9] An example of returning sensation through an implanted signal would be developing a tactile response for a prosthetic limb. Amputees have no touch response in artificial limbs, but through an implant in their somatosensory cortex could potentially give them an artificial sense of touch.
A brain-computer interface; a microelectrode array; patient using a brain-computer interface
A current example of a brain-computer interface would be the BrainGate, a device developed by Cyberkinetics. This BCI is currently undergoing a second round of clinical trials as of May 2009. An earlier trial featured a patient with a severe spinal cord injury, with no control over any of his limbs. He succeeded in operating a computer mouse with only thoughts. Further developments have been made that allow for more complex interfacing, such as controlling a robotic arm.
Before Coronavirus, “normal” was anything but. It was craziness. We were making ourselves sick, killing ourselves in pursuit of illusory needs.
Since our problems intertwine one with another, holistic solutions are needed. A universal day of rest, a weekly eco-sabbath, an ancient spiritual technology repurposed for collective ecological survival, suggests itself as one powerful tool. Sabbath properly practiced offers a weekly interruption of the suicidal econometric fantasy of infinite growth, a weekly divestment from fossil fuels, a weekly investment in local community, a weekly bit of rewilding, a respite for both humans and other-than-humans and a ritualized forum for meditating on how we want to live. As Greta Thunberg reminds us, we already know what the solutions are for our environmental crises. Green sabbaths will provide a recurring greenhouse for incubating the required collective consciousness and willpower — the ultimate renewable energies — to make the solutions reality. Green sabbaths will constitute both a model and a foretaste of the ecologically-sane world to come..
What are the benefits and challenges of such an idea and practice? What might such a day look like? Would it unite or divide people? What steps can we take now to make it happen? Please join The Green Sabbath Project for a public discussion with environmental and religious leaders.
A Year of Living Slower, February: Slow Sundays
GREEN SABBATH: Sunday Lockdowns for “Gaia” & Jubilee for the Earth
Climate alarmists–from the Pope to Rabbis to Greta–are calling for a Sunday “Green Sabbath,” forcing people to stay home in deference to Gaia. Now that people are used to perfect surveillance and enforced lockdowns, the stage is set for this truly Satanic inversion: worship of the creation, instead of the Creator, on a day chosen by the Catholic church. Agenda 2030 and spiritual battles are playing out before our eyes — will you be corralled along, or stand up as a free human and refuse to worship their Earth Day Jubilee?
Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ v. the Green New Deal
Legislation can't force an unwilling public to make the dramatic adjustments needed to save the planet. Instead, we should heed the pope's call for a fundamental change of life, like that of the saint he is named after.
Dr. Smadja's daring plan calls for an international day of rest (about 53 days per year) plus approximately 15 "holidays" where cumulatively there would be a cessation of all productive activity for approximately 70 days, or about 20% of the year. These days of "non-activity" would help achieve the shared goal outlined in the Paris Climate Conference (COP21) of a 20% reduction of pollution globally by 2050, with the aim of keeping global warming below 2 degrees Celsius. - Source
There are different names for such a day:
Slow Sunday, Shutoff Sunday, Digital Shabbat, Sunday Sabbath, Sunday Rest, Family Day, Earth Day, Green Day, Green Sabbath, Emission Free Day, Fossil-Fuel free Day, Low Carbon Day are some the names given for Sunday as a day of Rest. Sunday Bans on cars and shopping have been passed as laws in Paris and Poland. Italy plans to pass a Sunday Law for the family very soon. - Source
But, it's good to point out that the Sunday law will come from the Sunday churches.
Men in responsible positions will not only ignore and despise the Sabbath themselves, but from the sacred desk will urge upon the people the observance of the first day of the week, pleading tradition and custom in behalf of this man-made institution. They will point to calamities on land and sea-to the storms of wind, the floods, the earthquakes, the destruction by fire-as judgments indicating God's displeasure because Sunday is not sacredly observed. These calamities will increase more and more, one disaster will follow close upon the heels of another; and those who make void the law of God will point to the few who are keeping the Sabbath of the fourth commandment as the ones who are bringing wrath upon the world. This falsehood is Satan's device that he may ensnare the unwary.